Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apres Ski Saturday

Saturday was warmer than normal. The mountain was crowded apparently, I was skating though. 

I headed to the Matterhorn around 5 and had a few beers. Sat next to a couple from Boston. They were about to leave when we struck up a conversation. They were complaining about the long lift lines, and the crappy service at the bar. A special promo was going on, with a couple of cuties, Holly and Shannon, all 23 years of them , giving out prizes, and even buying beers for the select few. Of course the 2 of them were cute as can be, somehow they liked us. So we got free beers, free goodies and a flirtatious hour or 2 well spent with them. The Boston couple ended up staying till 10! 

There was Caroline from Boston / Burlington who worked in marketing. She was a cute 28 yo blonde rider. Recently broken up with her boyfriend and was currently in "man-o-pause". She was amusing, attractive and an insight into her girlfriends relationship…the line of the night, “ My best friends boyfriend said that his gf needs to loose 15lbs and go down on me”  YIKES. Apparently nthere is some relationship issue,  he wants to marry her, but she’s now pissed because of this attitude, Caroline is the rescuer to her friends relationship issue. 

Caroline is perfect, she skis, sails, just got back from BVI on bareboat charter, and almost has her pilots license, on top of that did I mention she was cute? Caroline was eventually dragged off by her GF’s boyfriend back to rescuing their relationship! 

Next was Heather, the brunette adorably dressed fro Apres Ski in a white down vest, white woolen sweater with a large collar, perfectly coiffed dark hair, her face nicely done up, great skin and you could tell a sense of her own being. Intelligent, worldly and sophisticated. 

She’s a lawyer, the compliance officer with an investment group in Boston. Originally from Wisconsin, 34 yo, and single, took up skiing 3 years ago and come to Stowe most weekends, she was intriguing. She was her with her girls form work, so she was entertaining them, playing pool. Just before she left the bar, she came over and gave me her number, quite a purposeful act, I texted her later and hopefully we’ll get together later on either this weekend or in the near future. 

On to Rimrod’s for a nightcap. 

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