Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ice Hockey Stowe

Of all the winter events none beats a pick up game of “pond” hockey. Being born and raised south of the equator hockey and ice were non existent, and of course I cannot skate! The first time I participated was in Central Park NYC when the boat pond froze over in 2003. A gorgeous Sunday afternoon my ex ex ex and a couple of Upper east side fathers with there 10 yo kids. Our impromptu game of hockey was the benchmark for fun winter activities. The scene was Norman Rockwell and all participants,8 or 9 of us had a ball. I’m sure the fathers still remember fondly that day as much as I do. The strollers in the park that day who watched us all knew from the smiles, laughter and shrieks of delight that we were all having a blast. 

Saturday in stowe was similar except for there were 25 people per team, a sound system, real goals and the people were all CANADIANS! They could all skate! My pathetic skating plus ineptitude with the stick made me an oddity, I mean Canadians don’t know people who can’t skate! We played for 4 hours. Some guys were just amazing, I’m convinced they were all ex NHL players, and a few of them the 5yo’s were future NHL guys! 

Later that night I was having a couple of beers, the guys next to me were from Moscow VT, ( just out of Stowe) and she said her kids were there, in fact she picked them up. She commented on the whole scene, and how everyone was smiling and having a great time. Her kids said to her ”that was great why can’t we do that all the time!” 

There is nothing more fun than pond hockey, with kids form 5 – 75, people who can play and people like me who have no clue!

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