Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Skiing Mt Mansfield-Downhill

Finally got to downhill.

Temperature 11F…snow conditions, packed powder. Sunny, to start and cloud overcast, flat light in the shadows. Wind building in the afternoon, getting chillier! 

Because of the temperatures skied 4 runs on the Gondola, a few good cruisers. Had to stop and take a warm up break at the Cliff House at the top. Got a call from one of my lawyers, and spent 20 minutes with him. Of course didn’t tell him I was skiing! 

Headed over to the Quad, and took a few runs down the front. Haystack first, that’s where the flat light was a little off putting for me. ( Something to do with my first few runs in 4 years!) The surface a combination of powder, machine and wind blown snow. 

Cold, friggn’ cold. I had to stop and warm up my frozen toes at the base lodge. Ripping my boots off, I guess even plastic boots have a freeze point. This may have been the coldest I’ve skied, or at least remembered skiing in a while. 

The novelty value of my 205 late 90’s vintage skinny skis, were noted by a few on the lifts. The skiing style has definitely changed in the last few years. The style of skiing is more abrupt, more lower body or maybe even just legs,  with much less pole planting arm action. Legs a little wider apart. Speed may even be a little faster, a product of the wide skis giving the skier a more broad based balance point, perhaps. 

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