Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Stowe Derby Feb 22nd!

The key event of the winter the upcoming Stowe Derby Feb 22nd 2009. 

Is now less than 3 weeks away. My training has been a little inconsistent. Getting in my cardio successfully, but I need much more time on skis. I realize that 6k is downhill and I need to spend time on that part of the training. Last time I was up at the mountain I scoped out the toll Road trail that the Derby takes. It’s a little steeper and longer than I thought it would be. The trail is all green and so would be a piece of cake on downhill equipment but on the x-country skis a different story I would think. I’m not sure what sort of speed I can do on the skinny skis but if I can keep good control and manage 15-20 mph ( which I think is absolutely flying on these skis) I’ll be on the flats in 12 minutes. Is that possible? I’ve read a previous account of the Derby and this one guy said that he attained a top speed of 45mph, and this was recorded on his GPS unit! Jeez that’s insane! He also said it took him 7 minutes to get down the hill, that’s an average speed of 34 mph! I really don’t know if that’s possible. This guy apparently finished the race in 43rd place. 

The flat section follows the rec path and is flat to maybe slight downhill tilt. I can run 6 miles easily in 42 minutes, did it last week on the treadmill, that’s 8.5 miles per hour. I believe I can skate ski faster than jogging, maybe 10 miles per hour? 11 mph? even 12mph? I’m not sure, but that would mean 45 minutes for the Derby

On one of the next weekends I’m spending the day on Toll House double downhill skiing on the x-country skis. That will be a big test of my skill sets on the downhill trails. 

I know I need to spend a few solid days improving my flat technique and downhill technique. ( skip the uphill as there isn’t any on the course.)

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