Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Greyhounds and X-Country Skiing

Adopt a Greyhound

I passed this car today on Main Street in Stowe.

The ex, aka The Alaskan, loved dogs, as do I. Both of our tastes tended toward Labradors. The rambunctious personality aptly fitted our own. The Greyhound, had many names, Noodle, the Creature, GA, (greyhound athlete), Saurus, so many it was crazy. He was 6 or so, and a fine fellow. A true goof. I never had much kinship with greyhounds, the GA, changed all that. He has a “keen” sense of humor. He was always making jokes at

 the expense of all. He was an extremely stylish fellow, invariably kited out in custom collars and fine jackets that best displayed his handsome profile. GA was a couch potato, the occasional forays into a “trot” or god forbid a gallop, were rare indeed. But seeing this big lug run this Autumn in an open field in Litchfield County was a wondrous sight. The GA just lopped along with such grace, and the shear joy on his face was palpable to all. I was so looking forward to seeing him run on the beach, and taking him to the mountains. But he wasn’t mine. He’s back in NYC with the Alaskan, looking forward to his forays to the NY Wine Exchange for his evening treat.

 Of course I can’t imagine how the big lug would do in this cold weather…expected to be -10 tonight. I’ve been told to put “dry gas” in my cars fuel tank. I have no idea what the hell this is, where to get it or whether or not the TSA lets you take it on a plane ( I suspect not!)

X-Country Skiing.

One of my goals, to X-country ski 15k in under 50 minutes, started today. Investigating the purchase of appropriate equipment. That would be , Skis, boots, poles, bindings ie everything! I have cross country skied 2. Once to walk the dogs in New Hampshire…it really wasn’t “skiing” or even exercise more like a hike in the woods. To meet my goals…I must have equipment…makes sense? I’m looking to replace my jogging kick, about 7 miles a day 5 times a week with the x-country skiing. ( I mean who could run around Stowe with all this snow. So, its exercise driven, and challenge driven. I mean how hard can this be?

In this quest, I headed up to Trapp Family Lodge, of Sound of Music Fame. No I didn’t see liesel, or Julie Andrews for that matter, but it almost feels as if you should have your passport stamped. While the signs were in English, I did feel as if I’d ausfaht-ed into a lttle piece of the Tyrol. The only problem they decided to build this place on top of a hill, and it was blowing snow everywhere, and freezing…not really conducive to anything let alone giving me much enthusiasm for getting out and skiing. There was a perfectly comfortable cabin with stylish Norwegian inspired clothing. (Do Austrians and Norse people get on? I must check) I am of course looking for Sven, ( the imaginary ski instructor to get me to my 15k time) I’d prefer a gorgeous blonde Nordic goddess, but unfortunately they seem to be in short supply up here, from my first impressions. And on top of that they all look rather…how can I put this “granola-ry”. I’m used to lithe, athletic blonde NYC girls, who happen to spend an exorbitant amount of time removing the “granola-ry” about them. Well coiffed, exfoliated, and bereft of most body hair. That is another subject matter entirely, that I will leave well enough alone.

$500 for the ski equipment. Whoa! I thought it would be like $250. Its $200 for the trail pass, for the season, apparently. Still that’s better “value” than the $89 for a days lift ticket Christmas Day at Mt AIG-Mansfield. 

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