Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Snow Condition Disparity and a good jog

2-4” light fluffy snow. Ran the Stowe rec path. Cold, Temp around 30, sunny and light wind. Running along thru fields kicking up fresh new snow. It reminded me of the Clydesdale Bud commercials, couldn’t help but smile. While not fast running, the resistance of the snow, the need to lift feet higher out of the snow, & the extra care placing ones feet, made it a high quality workout. Ran for near enough to an hour. Exhilarating, a real runners high today. If my smile was an indicator I was definitely having more fun than the few cross country skiers or snow shoe-rs I saw. Maybe up there with the Labradors I encountered along the trail.

 Snow Conditions: 

Stowe Reporter December 31 Page 17

 Snow in Stowe reached 24” at the Mansfield snow measuring stake the morning of Dec. 22. By Dec 29 the level had fallen to 7” Web site, Dec 31 ….33" at the Mansfield Stake why the 26” disparity on the Mansfield stake?

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