Wednesday, December 24, 2008

In the category of just plain asinine.

Asinine def: adj, foolish, unintelligent, or silly; stupid

 Driving in from NYC late Tuesday night, as chance would have it, the absolutely most banal, intolerably stupid song was playing on the Country station. It is difficult to imagine the total idiocy of the lyrics. So here is the chorus, repeated ad nauseum:

‘Cause I’m a country boy, I’ve got a 4-wheel drive

Climb in my bed, I’ll take you for a ride

Up city streets, down country roads

I can get you where you need to go

’cause I’m a country boy


If someone above Pre K or 2nd Grade wrote this unmitigated crap its difficult to imagine. No somewhat intelligent person could possibly write this drivel and be at all self satisfied. Could they?


What moron wrote this drivel? In my research I found out that it is the country performer Alan Jackson. A major star in the world of country music, no less. 

In all fairness the majority of  Song Lyrics show little intellectual thought. But the above lyric proves the old adage that given enough time, computers and an infinite number of monkeys they could produce the entire works of Shakespeare. In the case of the above lyric, I believe they used the limited supply of monkeys at the Bronx Zoo and an old Dell laptop. 

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