Sunday, January 11, 2009

1st day X-country skiing- skate skiing

First time today for my x-country skiing quest. My goal, if you recall, (or care) is the Stowe Derby, Feb 22nd and 15k as quickly as possible…I had the idea 45minutes or so. Is that possible? I have no idea…but will work on ascertaining if that time is even vaguely realistic. 

Firstly putting on skate skis is not as simple as you would think. It took a bit of figuring out, well 5 minutes max, and within 12 seconds I fell down. That I put down to, well not being on skis of any sort in a while! Then interestingly I found out it was tougher to get back on my feet than I would normally have expected. (Of course what expectations I had were based on my own self belief, my own athleticism, and what other pre-conceived notions that exist in my addled mind. 

Once I got those 2 bugs figured out, off I skated. I would rate my initial few hundred yards, as a little unsteady, and certainly there were no elements of grace or fluidity! I also found out that my poor technique, was absolutely exhausting me. If you’re even a tad “nervous” and by that I mean unsteady, unsure, or generally uncomfortable you tend to burn more energy I guess its all that adrenalin, and certainly I have no “efficiencies”. I was less than optimal! I was over muscling and brutal, in my own critique. 

I’d ski a couple of hundred yards and then stop. Gasping for air! I can run 7 miles effortlessly in 50-55 minutes pretty comfortably, so this was a shock. Now I understand why Olympic x-country skiers are probably the fittest athletes in the world. At one point today I got smoked by some blonde girl, wearing multi colored spandex! She just flew past me without breaking a sweat! I was impressed and in awe, I mean this girl made x-country skiing sexier than downhill! In fact I have seen infinitely fitter healthier, and this girl in particular, sexier than anyone I’ve seen at the downhill skiing at Stowe! These people are super fit!

 I teamed up and got some impromptu lessons from Phil of Burlington, That was helpful, and the observations he made I tried to put into practice. The pole planting aspect is more “technical” than I thought and my downhill skiing, skating, double pole plant took over naturally. I’m meant to do a sort of modified single pole plant/ push thingy…yep that’s exactly how my brain processed the instructions Phil gave me! 

The trails we took eventually led us to the “cabin”, that’s a lot of uphill! Honestly it was the most exhausted physical activity I’d done in a while! The downhill back was worth it…one spill, and a couple of reasonable parallel turns. In all I skied for the better part of 2 hours. The uphill was unrelenting, and maybe not quite what I had in mind. I must find a bit more of a “flat” trail for skating, or at least undulating. 

I was told the snow conditions today were not optimal for skating, a little soft. I’m in for the challenge now. I’m signed up for a skate lesson tomorrow. I want to nail this skill set. 

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