Sunday, January 4, 2009

More on ...Prozac

I guess the skiings not that great as I've read more about anti-depressants...More insight into Prozac: I came across the term "cosmetic psychopharmacology"…Prozac akin to Botox?  Read on… 

“There is no free lunch. Most of these people who feel so good about the long-term use of Prozac think it’s cost-free. Patients need to be better educated about the risk-benefit analysis. If they are taking Prozac to feel ‘better than well,’ that’s a big mistake.”

“Repeated studies have shown that about 60 percent of patients have some form of sexual dysfunction—loss of libido, difficulty reaching orgasm, impotence—on SSRIs, But Eli Lilly’s official Prozac figure is 2 to 5 percent.” 

“Many patients were in effect being poisoned by the serotonin produced by their own bodies, the irritation victims suffered from migraines, hot flashes, irritability, sleeplessness, pains around the heart, difficulty in breathing, a worsening of bronchial complaints, irrational tension and anxiety. . . horrifying nightmares. It also caused volunteers to sleep badly - that is, always on the edge of consciousness so that they were not properly rested - and to wake after only a few hours of sleep."  Prozac was found to affect sleep habits, specifically to suppress deep sleep, (REM sleep)

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