Saturday, January 17, 2009

Eye lash Pharmaceuticals & Emailing The Alaskan

I emailed the Alaskan for the first time since beginning of December. First off I sent an  innocuous message regarding some form of eye lash prescription that they hope will turn into the next Botox. At $120 per month to make your eyelashes grow 33% thicker and longer. I of course am laughing at the cosmetic angle of this, and the side effects which may include a change in iris color, a reddening of the eyes and the usual dry mouth blindness and of course in rare cases eye brows ending up looking like Andy Rooney’s! 

Then quite by accident I sent a follow up. I meant to save it as a draft but I accidentally pushed the send key. I wonder how often that happens? (Much more than we realize)Both emails were just light amusing emails. Nothing really of any great import. As they were so light there is absolutely nothing you could construe or read into either. Other than they were friendly and upbeat, and if I may say so pretty darn funny! 

Our break-up was drama free…and I mean absolutely no drama at all. She contacted me a couple of times to start with, and wanted to spend the weekend with me early on, which did confuse me, as it would anyone. As I have written elsewhere I have zero idea why we ended it.  I think it goes back to my current obsession with the harmful long term effects anti-depressants have on people, coupled with the expectations of “perfection” manhattan-ites strive for in everything.

 Interestingly the completely innocuous message was deemed not worthy of a response from my Alaskan friend. Ummm I wonder what that means? Ha! I guess that means that I do still have feelings for her and I’m trying to figure out how to proceed. The generally accepted universal truth is there’s nothing I can do. Only time will tell, the ball is in the Alaskan’s court. Judging by my previous experiences to date, another interesting gorgeous smart female will turn up, probably blonde!. I think I’d just like to make something stick for a long, long time. While the Alaskan had lots of amazing attributes, apart from her beauty, she may be just too difficult. She is the one who probably needs to realize that in order to move forward you accept faults of others, idiosyncrasies. She is only too quick to expect others to put up with her foibles and yet refuse to accept even the most minor infraction in others. I still believe that her long term use of anti-depressants has something to do with it. But then again I’m not a shrink.

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