Friday, January 2, 2009


What is it with Prozac/Ritalin in a certain aged manhattan woman? Why was this issue never discussed on “sex in the City?” By my calculation at least 2 of the 4 girls in the TV show would’ve been taking an anti-depressant, more likely 3 of 4. My last two ex’s have been taking Prozac or equivalent for most of their adult lives, even I, with my experience of screwed up Manhattan woman of a certain age, can figure out, without reference to the DSM/IV, that this is probably not a good idea. Their psychologists, affectionately referred to by the recent ex as her “drug dealer”, evaluates her patients for the briefest of times and then provides script, as so many of NYC’s psychologists do. The patient’s evaluation’s brevity is dictated by the cost of therapy and lack of decent insurance coverage. The continuing dialogue between patient and therapist is an ongoing administration of scripts, a lifetime of brief visits, with the patients sole aim, getting their med’s. 

I’m no fan of med’s. They are powerful mood alterers. It’s good and normal to feel blue sometimes, its called life. 

Manahattan is the center of Therapy in the world. How many Hollywood movies center around Manhattan therapists? My earliest perspective take on therapists was a Woody Allen movie. Is everyone in NYC in therapy? Every girl I’ve dated for any significant period of time in NYC has been in therapy of some type. Is there a city that comes close? Are we the enlightened ones or the screwed up ones? 

Sam, my new Bud, recalled an article he read in the not so recent past about Prozac and other meds infiltrating NYC’s water supply. Trace elements are found in the tap water. This can’t be good. 

How long should one be on Prozac? 

Advertising Meds on TV. Only in the USA are you allowed to advertise meds. We can harangued with ad’s for all manner of drugs. Now Ambilify a Ritalin type drug is advertised as something you should “ talk to your health care provider” as an adjunct to Prozac Lexipro and all manner of SSRI’s. According to the TV commercial 2 out of 3 patients taking an antidepressant still feel depressed therefore they need to “boost” their intake. If you take anything long enough you get immunized to the effects of the drug, apparently. After taking Prozac for 16 years, and your just 40, you need something to pick things up a bit. So chuck in another drug cocktail. In my recent ex’s case she’s now taking Ritalin, a recent addition to her drug cocktail, I mean this can’t be good. What happens in another 16 years? Does anyone really think that this is the answer? What would Dr Phil think? 


If your sad it means your not happy, right? So if we’re sad is Prozac going to make us happy? I don’t think so. Is Prozac going to make you feel less sad? I think that’s the concept. What makes you happy?  According to so much research it’s a well lived life…shades of Aristotle’s discourses 2000 years ago? Yep he was a smart dude. It’s surprising how much thought has been recycled since then. The latest guru’s all use the same messages just repackaged. 

Therapists prescribe meds, and when your in the “I can’t afford decent therapy plan” then all you get is the script without the counseling. Ostensibly we all become self diagnosed, hence the ad budgets directed at consumers by big Pharmo companies. 

We are happiest according to psychologist’s when  we’re in the “flow.” That’s the state in which your mind becomes thoroughly absorbed in a meaningful task that challenges your abilities, Mindless tasks including the most common leisure time activity -- watching TV -- produces some of the lowest levels of happiness. 

The moral of the story get out there and participate in life. Get off the couch. 

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