Monday, January 5, 2009

Melancholy in Stowe

 The last few days I’ve been playing the same tracks over and over. Eleanor McEvoy…Snapshots, from back in 1996, apparently. I have no idea how it ended up on my iTunes, …I’ve been jogging to it…playing it in the Gingerbread Crack House…Can’t recommend it highly enough. The play count says my favorite track is “Did you tell him?” …Ummm I wonder if it has anything with loves lost….or specifically the Alaskan? Probably not….the ex from 3 years back, that would be the one. Now she did a number on my psyche. In summary she was the 6 year relationship that I would characterize as the love of a life. But she left, for another. That’s always tough to take, and it did take some time to recover from. That relationship was full of romance and idealization. We ran away to Asia for the better part of 3 months. The start was beyond comparison to any romance novel. Love started on a rooftop restaurant on the Bund in Shanghai, and continued through 6 years. It was full, of life and love. It ended. So that was that. Idealization of one person is a curse once they leave. But as I found out time heals all. It took a long time. I skied with her in Stowe 3 seasons back, in fact I taught her how to ski, play tennis and sail. I know I had a big influence in her life. As she did in mine. Its Jacques Prevert’s “Dead Leaves”. She married this past September, to the guy she left me for. I no longer know who she is…nor will I ever. Its amazing how a friendship of such depth can vanish from one’s life. In this facebook age I see everyone “friending” everyone. A counter for friends, I have 66 you only have 34. Almost none of these are real friends illusionary at best. Superficiality is what we get when this is our life. REMEMBER You’re not surfing, you’re typing in your bedroom! 

Do females leave and come back? That is a question that I have been confronted with twice. The first one was one where I ignored the advice of my girlfriends, this time I’m taking their advice, leaving well enough alone and getting on with my life. The first time it happened, was for another, this time its “ I have no idea” and I’m not sure if the Alaskan has a clue, either

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