Tuesday, January 13, 2009

X country skiing SEXY! ( & sexier than downhillers!)

Triathletes are definitely sexier than marathoners, AND now I add X-country skiers, & by that I mean Skaters, are sexier than downhill skiers or boarders!

Skaters are to cross country what tri-athletes are to marathoners! 

Tri-athletes, include the model Jenny Fletcher, Feb 09 Outside Magazine, Jen Perez from the EAS energy supplement TV commercial. These girls are gorgeous and healthy and incredibly fit…Now I’d chuck X-country skiers into that group… 

OK the comparison with downhill skiers? 

When I got smoked by some lycra clad blonde girl the other day, she was without question the most athletic fit woman I’ve seen in Stowe. Of course she went by me so fast I have no idea what she really looks like. But she definitely had the mystique of a greek goddess! ( the unattainable? Because she was faster than me? )  Now comparing that to the almost universally badly dressed and somewhat, dare I say generally mousey looking girls at the downhill field, well you get my point!

It would appear that the downhill skiers are trying to emulate there male companions or boarders. Badly dressed, baggy, and generally a low skill level. ( ouch…I hear you all say, and there maybe some nasty generalizations, unfortunately there mostly true!  

My credentials for these sweeping statements? I’ve skied around…and from now on I’m looking at the x-country, skater girls as the ideal! ( of course the truth being told there’s probably only a few that meet this ideal…but I’m telling you…these girls are like the tri-athletes, fit, athletic healthy and great role models!

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