Monday, January 26, 2009

Solstice bar watching Aussie Open

K, her mom and dad. 

So what is it that I’m meeting fabulous woman with there parents? Is this the new trend? You can just see the question posed…”so how did you two meet?” …”thru her folks”

 At Stowe Mountain Lodge sitting at the Solstice Bar Sunday afternoon, watching the Aussie open,( Federer down 2 sets to Byrdych comes back to pull out the victory) I’m enjoying a pleasant afternoon talking with a couple of interesting people from Mass, they got married at The Green Mountain Inn 2 years back almost to the day. They had to get on the road as they were driving back to Boston, we said our goodbyes and I was left with a European gentleman in his 70’s and a quite attractive blonde, 30’s, it happened to be Father and daughter. They were joined by her Mom. The 3 of us soon started conversation. He was Austrian, immigrated to Montreal in the 70’s and his ex- wife, ( 28 years ex) were entertaining their daughter up visiting from her home, lower East Side of NYC! She K, was blonde, attractive, funny & smart. Had lived in LA, NY and Montreal and was well traveled, and a graduate of Columbia Journalism. She was an on screen TV talent for A&E and had hosted a show a few years back that my ex-x-x was involved with. The xxxx ( yes, a while back but the 6 year relationship) had arranged a “Breakfast with the Arts” in the SVG back a few years and she was the on screen talent! She currently was working at Reuters but I got the impression that this is a temporary sojourn while she gets back into an on screen vehicle of her choosing. 

We talked tennis, the lack of sexiness in skiing, all lamenting the lack of après ski. Mr & mrs all thought skiing back in there day (the 70’s) was so much more fun  and exciting. We discussed Euro après ski, Austrian of course, and I found out in passing K’s skied Zeramtt among other places, proud of her après ski exploits till 5am. Her Mom asked if I was a good skier, I thought with intent to fix-up her daughter. I though K was single, her behavior, laughter, flirting and conversation led me along that path, she…in fact we were all having a great time… a BF apparently exists, but not in Stowe. Whoever he is, he’s not here in Stowe, and I don’t know if the folks would mind if she traded him in! I don’t think the absent BF skis.  

We arranged to meet for coffee at Jamies’ Monday at 9am. Lets see if that occurs, and if it does she and I are going skiing Tuesday, the forecast is pretty good …that’s my plan. Maybe head to Jay Peak. My expectation is that she’s a great skier…and if we get to the slopes, we’ll end up in the hot tub. 

They had to leave, and I ended up in  a brief conversation with Josh, who was sitting next to me. He thought that the K and I were out with her folks. He’d been listening to our conversation and he definitely confirmed all the signals I’d received from K.



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