Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Apres Ski Stowe

Key après ski and bars- gleaned from Local sources and my own brief experience. In no Particular order. 

Pie casso- I was told it had a good bar scene. It seems to me a cross between a NY city Pizza joint and a kids Arcade joint. Next to The Shed 

English Pub- Pickwicks…good selection of beers. Smallish bar with some combination of English Pub and Austrian Kitsch. No surprise, run by an English guy. From the outside unclear if it’s a Tudor House or St Anton pub. 

The Shed- Brew Pub. Coined the “Shed-ache”- super strong beer- apparently. My experience is that its fun, the beer OK. Music scene lame. And apart from the Ukrainian Juliet, pretty unattractive girls. 

Rimrocks Tavern, Baggy Knees Shopping Center…Pool tables, young crowd- good for sports good TV’s. Local hangout. 20 somethings. 

Of course the Matterhorn straight after skiing. That’s the place apparently. Talking to a couple of snowboard instructors, they said “matterhorn on the way down, and then figure it out from there.” The highlight of the week for them, when they really ratchet it up, is ice skating Thursday at the town rink followed by Chinese Buffet. WOW that’s really living! 

The Rusty Nail is “hit and miss and very touristy”…which means the NYers and Boston folk…cavenous and empty some times otherwise packed…words from a local. I hit it NY’s eve and it was full of 22 y.o. girls from East Montpelier, mostly in various stages of inebriation. I’ve heard that of the matterhorn as well, except its full of 22 y.o. from Peru and Chile inebriated. 

The Whip at the Green Mountain Inn…good burger but no fries..? More sophisticated scene. 

Harrisons- small place popular with long time locals…Mom and son…run the place good Burger and Fries… 

The Spruce Base Lodge. Surprisingly friendly spot. Not too bad, for a base lodge. New this season. Music however I’ve heard play there is pretty terrible. 

The Stowe Mountain Lodge. Bar Hourglass- elegant sophisticated but a little cold and austere. The fireplace area is right by the front door and a little on the small side.

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