Saturday, January 10, 2009

I become a Trappist!

Today I became a Trappist. A person who hangs out at the Trapp Family Lodge, Ye olde piece of Austria tucked away in the hills around Stowe. 

First off the Trapp lodge is 2400 acres of land up a hill about 4 miles or so from “downtown” Stowe. And as I wrote previously, the place is pulled straight out of the Tyrol, and spectacularly sited, great views of the valley below and the mountain ranges in the background. The Lodge complex, and it is a complex, consists of a main lodge, dozens of villas, 100’s of k’s of x-c ski trails,  and other assorted buildings spread over the property. 

My trappist adventure is turning into my evening ritual. Hitting the Fitness Facility. I’ve never been a gym rat, but with sunset at 4ish, and the temperatures hovering in the teens, a treadmill for jogging seems a great idea. Particularly when the alternative to jogging is drinking….what else does one do in Stowe after dark? 

The Fitness complex is actually great, good fitness equipment, nice view, and the piece de rĂ©sistance the outdoor hot tub! What could be better than a 50 minute jog followed by sitting in the hot tub for 20 minutes? Maybe I’ll mix it up and hit the sauna tomorrow! 

The only negative in the whole experience was that I was not surrounded by attractive ski bunnies, in fact quite the opposite. Every woman I’ve seen in the hot tub is attached, and considerably overweight. Sorry to report. The view over the mountains the full moon, and the massaging jets of the hot tub, could not erase the sight of too much cellulite. 

Oh well, today the gym and then checked my email in the bar in the main lodge. Life was pretty good, and I’ve found another good spot to work the internet. 

This could become a routine, at least short term. Considering the weather report, more temperature in the single digits, it looks like a smart choice.


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