Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday at Jamie's ....again.

The Sunday morning routine, coffee, the regulars. The state representative, the radio station owner, the retired school principal, the EMT’s, I’ve managed to “infiltrate” the local scene, well, sort of. A cheerful upbeat group, discussing old and well worn stories. Mink farming in the latter stages of the “depression” ( the last one), the moving of the old Baptist church stuck over on Mayo farm in a number of large pieces. It’s destination somewhere near the town library. Farmers night at the State Capitol sometime this week. Farmers night is a traditional part of Vermont legislative life, traditionally an agricultural state, the “farmers” tradition continues. Entertainment is put on, this week it’s the Vermont State Orchestra. I presume it’s free and open to all. 

The EMT’s always fill me in on the victim count, locals tend to drive themselves to the local hospital as opposed to avail themselves of the kind services of the EMT provided transportation.

A new trend I’m noticing a few more out of towners, as evidenced by the more fashion forward attire. Today a mini skirted, leg warming ensemble on a overly bleached blonde caught my eye, mainly because it looked so out of place in Stowe. It’s debatable if it was attractive or not, ut it certainly was an original. She may even get the prize for first spotting of anything resembling a ski bunny! 

The weather has turned decidedly warmer, with a temperature in the teens to start the day you’d think people had seen daffodils poking through. People are positively giddy with warm weather thoughts!

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